Kalinina Dariia


Junior FrontEnd Developer

View My GitHub Profile

Contact Information

Phone: +38(067)483-18-09
Email: dkalinina8@gmail.com
Kyiv, Ukraine


I`m a Junior Frontend JS developer. I have personal and team experience of development due to studyindg for 1 year at GoIT Academy.
I had participated in three hackathons. Now I continue to deepen my IT-knowledge and make Pet-projects.

Technical Skills

HTML5, CSS, JS ES5/ES6, React, Node JS, Redux.
Ability to work with MongoDB. Postman.
Experience to work with preprocessors Sass. Bootstrap, Material, Webpack.
Ability to make Pixel Perfect and fully responsive coding of design-layouts.
Experience with CSS and JS animations.
Ability to work with layouts in such graphics editors: Photoshop, Figma.
Understanding of cross-browser/platform issues, ability to debug and fix website problems.
OOP skills.
I am understanding of website optimization and the importance of SEO.
Experience with tracking system Trello.
Working with Git, Github-pages, Netlify, Heroku.


Team Projects

-SlimMom React JS, NodeJS, Express, Redux, React Hooks

-Simple WeatherApp JS

Training Projects

Soft Skills

I am a communicative, empathy, patient, punctual, easy-going, open-minded, adaptive, creative, and responsible person.
I could be a proper team player who is able to take independent decisions. Self-development is a priority of my life values,
so I always prefer to deepen my gained knowledge and to improve & perfect myself. I’m quite a self-critical person.
Mostly I am not afraid to admit my mistakes, always would try to analyze and fix them, correct everything and do my best next time.


Ukrainian - native
Russian - native
English - Intermediate


Additional education

October 2019 – December 2020, Full Stack courses in GoIT Academy

Work Experience

September 2019 - October 2020, Bogomolets National Medical University, assistant at the Department of Neurology
December 2018 - August 2019, LLC “Sport-PROFIT”, sports doctor
July 2014 - August 2014, Cherkasy Region Clinical Hospital, junior surgical nurse


Meditation, reading books, pottery, yoga. I love playing board games, spending time in nature (walking /jogging /open-air/out-of-doors activities). Growing plants (avocados from seeds, for example).